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Carmen Johnston Gardens

Carmen Johnston Gardens

By Carmen Johnston

Planting tips and tricks, DIY inspiration, recipes, floral design, entertaining ideas and more straight from the garden. Follow Carmen Johnston for practical advice and for great ways to incorporate your garden in your day-to-day life and home.
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How to Keep Deer Out of Your Garden

Carmen Johnston GardensMar 31, 2020

How to Keep Deer Out of Your Garden
Mar 31, 202006:47
Hydrangea Railing or Window Box DIY
Mar 20, 202008:32
Easter Table Scape: Centerpiece Florals and Inspiration
Mar 19, 202009:20
Easter Planter DIY
Mar 10, 202010:11
How to Prepare Your Garden for Spring
Mar 03, 202004:31
Rustic Farmhouse Planter DIY

Rustic Farmhouse Planter DIY

If you have been part of the Carmen Johnston family for even a short time, you know I adore what I like to call “personality driven containers”. These are garden containers that embody parts of your personality, whether it’s your taste in design, something special to your family, or an incredible find at your favorite antique place! I got to visit with Noell and Daniel Jett and family of Jett Set Farm House! @jettsetfarmhouse

Noell and her husband built their dream home and have shared their DIY’s along the way. She has such an eye for interior design, and it was such a great experience to spend time with her and her family!  I just adored her children!

While at her home in St. Augustine Florida, Noell shared with one of her own personality driven planters. “Two years ago, I was home in Missouri visiting my grandfather and he said, ‘Do you want to come pick my barn with me?’ And I said ‘Absolutely!’ So, we went outside, and he told me stories about everything in the barn and then just let me take whatever I wanted with me! So I overloaded my car and had stuff strapped to the top and drove it back to Florida with me and my four kids!” One of the things Noell brought home with her was an antique wooden tool box that we got to turn into a planter for Noell’s outdoor dining room table!

You can make this planter along with us with any type of container- just make sure to find the one that fits you and your home! All of the ingredients below can be easily/quickly purchase on my Amazon store here (yes, plants and rustic container included!) Here is what you’ll need:


  • Personality driven container
  • Large black trash bag
  • Orchids
  • 4” and 2” tropicals
    Pink Allison Arrowhead
    Rubber plant

For more info, click here:

Feb 26, 202015:55
Amazon Vegetable Garden
Feb 24, 202012:22
What Fresh Flowers and Plants are Best to Buy
Feb 17, 202007:18
HGTV Dream Home Tour with Designer Brian Patrick Flynn
Feb 05, 202004:48
Why You Should Hire an Interior Designer

Why You Should Hire an Interior Designer

We are here to bust some myths about interior designers! Why do you need one? When do you need one? How will they completely change your home build or renovation? We are going to answer all those questions and more with the interior designers for our new home, Couture House Interiors. Andrea and Meredith from Couture were classmates at UGA’s design school and make quite the dynamic duo! Collaborating with them on projects has been so wonderful! When my husband Tommy and I started house hunting we knew we wanted Couture House Interiors to work with us on this project as well!

So, as we started looking at homes, we called them up to come along! Yes, you heard that right, I brought my interior designer along to house hunt! This is the first point I want to address, if you are calling an interior designer when you are ready to pick out throw pillows and tile- it’s too late! Andrea says many times, they are called in at the end of the building or renovation process and by then it is too late for them to work to their full potential. We love architects and have worked with some truly wonderful ones, but they approach a build or renovation from a very different angle. An interior designer has the design of your end goal in mind constantly to ensure that both form and function are considered in every decision to achieve your vision in the completed space.

For more info, click here:

Feb 04, 202011:12
HGTV Dream Home Features Latest in Home Technology
Jan 29, 202003:43
The Latest in Home Design Technology

The Latest in Home Design Technology

The design team at Couture House Interiors has been working so hard to put together the new interior floor plan for our home! Many designers or architects spend countless hours measuring every inch of a home in order to draft an “as built” floor plan so they can begin the process of moving walls to create a new layout for a renovation. Recently, a new technology called Canvas has been released that has truly changed the industry. Canvas uses a 3D scanner connected to an iPad that then scans an entire home into its software system. This software is very accurate and eliminates the possible inconsistencies of human error. It truly is changing how a designer, architect, realtor, or contractor works.

For more information and our home and garden remodel journey, click here:

Jan 27, 202012:43
Easy Floral Arrangement DIY
Jan 23, 202012:35
Remodeling Our Home:Honoring It's History
Jan 18, 202008:22
How to Keep Your Houseplants Alive!
Jan 15, 202010:07
Indoor Container Garden: DIY
Jan 13, 202012:46
My 5 Favorite Houseplants

My 5 Favorite Houseplants

I love love love my houseplants!! Houseplants are such an incredible way to “green up” your space any time of the year. There are so many different kinds of houseplants depending on your home, lighting, and temperature. I wanted to share five of my favorite houseplants that can brighten up any room! These can be found at most local garden centers or even on Amazon! I’ve linked my favorite houseplant care materials, the plants themselves, and pots here.

Snake Plant or Mother-in-Law’s Tongue

The infamous snake plant is a houseplant classic, with its tall dark leaves and sturdy structure. It is an incredibly hardy plant and is so simple to care for. It really only needs to be watered once a month or when the soil is completely dry. Do your best not to bend the leaves though, or they will snap!

For more information, photos, and links to purchase plants and more - click here:

Jan 01, 202007:20
Organizing Your Holiday Decor: Tips, Tricks, and Products

Organizing Your Holiday Decor: Tips, Tricks, and Products

I decorate lots of home for the holidays and I also tear down and store my client’s decorations for them. I’ve come up with some tried and true storage tips and tricks that will have you excited to make your trip to the attic or basement next year to find all of your decorations organized and in great working condition!

As always, I’ve linked all of these products in my Amazon store, along with handy zip ties, floral wire, and more here:

Shrink Wrap/Saran Wrap

Buy shrink wrap online or at your local hardware store on large rolls. This is a great way to wrap stockings, ornaments, and more so they are safe from moths and dust.I use saran wrap for my wreaths and to cover open Tupperware containers or boxes to protect them from the storage elements.

Light Reel Bags

I love these handled bags as I use thousands of lights each year. It’s a great way to ensure that no lights are tangled and that when you go to put up your lights, they are in good working order and are neatly rolled. Pro tip: make sure wrap lights so that your plug is last so that when you go to test your lights, you won’t have to unwrap the entire string of lights to make sure they’re working.

Read more and find links to products here:

Dec 30, 201914:09
Quick and Easy Holiday Planter Topiary DIY

Quick and Easy Holiday Planter Topiary DIY

I love a quick and easy planter that doesn’t take too much time during the hustle and bustle of the holidays. This topiary can be assembled in 5 minutes and adds a festive touch indoors or outdoors. For all the materials for this DIY, click my Amazon store:


  • ivy or cedar topiary
  • copper pot or planter
  • pinecone wreath, garland, or cuttings for a skirt
  • floral wire
  • dried orange slices
  • cinnamon stick bundles
  • *optional: ornaments, sliced and dried apples, or ribbon for cinnamon stick bundles

The first step is height! To anchor this planter, I’m using an ivy topiary but you could use cedar or anything that’s about 3 to 5 feet tall to anchor both sides of a front door. Read more on my blog post here:

Dec 20, 201911:18
The Symbolic Meaning of the Passion Flower: A Special DIY Holiday Gift
Dec 17, 201909:45
Christmas Centerpiece
Dec 17, 201909:17
10 Minute Holiday Table Runner DIY

10 Minute Holiday Table Runner DIY

Dec 08, 201908:50
Cyclamen Tips and Gift DIY

Cyclamen Tips and Gift DIY

Cyclamen are my favorite indoor blooming plants for the cooler temperatures. With incredible upside-down blooms that last for around 8 weeks, cyclamen make a great holiday gift. Also, they thrive in colder weather so they look great in outdoor container gardens like the one I did on my previous blog post linked here.

A few tips and tricks for keeping your cyclamen happy:

  • water from the root system, not over head, as they like to drink from below. No need to over-water…a half inch of water at the bottom of the vase is just right
  • add one Miracle Gro stick, which will last 6 weeks, as a great way to “feed” your cyclamen
  • full sunlight

For all the materials used in this DIY: Shop my Amazon store here: 

For pictures and a link to my YouTube video of this episode, click here:

Dec 08, 201909:19
10 Minute Holiday Planter DIY
Dec 01, 201910:42
Best Plants for Gift Giving
Nov 22, 201909:21
Holiday Evergreen Wreath Tutorial
Nov 22, 201912:01
Easy Live Evergreen Wreath
Nov 15, 201911:31
10 Minute Thanksgiving Centerpiece
Nov 11, 201902:16
Tips for Growing an Indoor Herb Garden

Tips for Growing an Indoor Herb Garden

Lots of people ask me about herb gardens and I’m excited to share with you my tips and tricks for growing herbs. I love to use my herbs in the kitchen, in my tea, and in my hair as I’ll reveal in this post!

To begin, I’d like to share my 10 Herb Garden Must-Do’s, in no particular order:

1. Plant each herb individually. A common mistake is to plant all of your herbs in the same pot. Each plant likes their own growing conditions and they don’t do well in the same home.

2. Vary your pots and herb sizes. Variety in shapes and sizes will give your indoor garden that collected feel. I am a self-proclaimed terra cotta pot hoarder! I love to pick up vintage terra cotta pots with that fantastic patina at local antique stores or wherever I can get my hands on them. They make beautiful homes for indoor herbs. Of course don’t bother looking at the terra cotta pot if it doesn’t have the all-important DRAINAGE.

3. Full sun is so important. At least 6 hours of sunlight is what your indoor garden needs so find a sunny spot in your home for your herbs to live.

4. Indoor gardens need some time outdoors. Plants need fresh air every few weeks. If you live in a colder zone, look for a quick “break” in the weather” and give them a few hours outside.

Nov 05, 201915:12
What to Plant in Cooler Temperatures

What to Plant in Cooler Temperatures

I am so excited to share with you some of my favorite cool weather plants!

My first pick is called free fall pansy. It may look kind of leggy to you, but I love to use in container gardens because it will spill over the edge and really soften the edges. It also comes in a soft violet, but you know how much I love classic white florals! When you come across this plant, don’t let the leggyness dissuade you, it looks phenomenal in a container garden! I love to start my container garden with big plants and I also use these in annual color flower beds, so they spread and trail out.

Another favorite is gorgeous coral queen kale! It is a flowering kale and it just puts off this intense purple color from the inside. It is another beautiful fall accent that we like to use in décor and container gardens.

Grasses also make for wonderful cool weather plants. Chartreuse grasses like everillo carex are a classic favorite that is great in beds or containers. I also love variegated carex as it provides great texture in our flower beds.

Last but not least, we can’t forget about thyme! Specifically, lemon thyme! This is another great one to use in the cool weather. It flowers in the spring, so the fall is the perfect time to go ahead and get it in the ground. This allows the plant to establish its root system before the ground freezes. It has an amazing fragrance!

I hope you enjoy some of my quick and easy cool weather plants that will make great additions to your garden bed or container. Be sure to plant now before the ground hardens for the season and the frost sets in. Happy gardening!

For more information, tips, tricks, DIYs, recipes, and more from Carmen - click HERE.

Oct 28, 201905:05
My 6 Favorite Perennials to Plant in Fall
Oct 28, 201917:07
How to Create a Natural and Beautifully Layered Fall Front Porch

How to Create a Natural and Beautifully Layered Fall Front Porch

I'm walking you through how-to create a beautiful fall front porch that will last through November. Layering wicker, copper, pumpkins, and LOTS of plants, I'm going to tell you how I create gorgeous fall entryways step by step. 

Plant Inspiration

  • Crepe Myrtle that are at least 6-10 feet tall
  • Large Copper Pots
  • Pumpkins of all shapes, sizes, and colors both real and faux
  • Lambs Ear
  • Rooster Grass
  • Antherium
  • Heuchera
  • Variegated Ivy
  • Carex
  • Cabbages
  • Kales
  • Ajuga
  • Bittersweet Vine
  • Dried Oranges
  • Dried Limes
  • Large Wicker Baskets

Use the list above as a guide to some great fall plants that thrive in fall weather and even survive mild frosts and winters! The plants, especially the lambs ear and green kales and cabbages, have silver undertones that really compliment the copper hues. All of these plants can then be planted in your yard later on to enjoy all winter long.

Any young trees with colorful branches work well here, like maple or crepe myrtle. Or you can even cut large branches off an existing tree. Water everything very well before putting it all together so the soil is very moist and continue to water throughout the season. Make sure there is a hole in your container for drainage. This project is a classic stuff and shove, you won’t remove any plants from their plastic containers. I started with the tree, then added lambs ear and cabbages and kale in a triangle arrangement. Then layer your other plants and grasses on top, like carex and antherium. I try to always use gallon size plants- go big or go home!

Oct 23, 201907:24
How to Make 3 Delicious Fall Cocktails: Cherry Mint Julep, Hot Toddy, and my Fall Sangria

How to Make 3 Delicious Fall Cocktails: Cherry Mint Julep, Hot Toddy, and my Fall Sangria

Fall is here and so is our readiness for some fall cocktails! Herbs like sage, rosemary, and mint are perfect fall herbs to base your cocktails around. Use the liquor and wine you already have on hand and pair with seasonal fruits! Listen in as I show you how I craft my three fall favorite drinks: Hot Toddy, Cherry Mint Julep, and my Fall Sangria!


This recipe comes Dishes Delish (link) and we made our own version using what we have on hand! Let’s put the drink together!


  • Large bunch of mint (I love using spearmint!)
  • 1 oz simple syrup (we made our own using organic cane sugar)
  • 1 oz tart cherry concentrate
  • Crushed ice
  • 4 oz Wellers Bourbon
  • Mint Julep Cups

This cocktail could not be any easier! I use a cocktail shaker to muddle the mint by shaking the crushed ice and mint together. Add to the mint julep cups and add a quick pour of simple syrup. Top with a couple ounces of bourbon and cherry concentrate. Stir and garnish with springs of mint. Salud!


I absolutely love sangria! It is one of my all time favorite drinks and can be customized so many ways! Ours has so many fall ingredients but you can add any seasonal herbs and fruits. Let’s mix it up!


  • 1 bottle Prosecco
  • A couple ounces grand manier
  • Pomegranate Orange San Pellegrino
  • 1 bottle ginger beer
  • 1 cup soda water
  • A couple ounces Blackberry Manischewitz
  • Fresh orange juice
  • Sliced Oranges
  • Blackberries
  • Cinnamon Sticks
  • Rosemary Sprigs

Mix the Prosecco, Grand Manier, San Pellegrino, ginger beer, soda water, blackberry Manischewitz, and orange juice in a large pitcher and add several cinnamon sticks. Let it chill for several hours or overnight. Pour the sangria into each glass and top with an orange slice, a couple blackberries, a cinnamon stick, and a sprig of rosemary. Enjoy!


This is the ultimate fall cocktail! Served hot or cold, this drink tastes exactly like fall in a cup! Using copper mule mugs gives this the perfect fall look.


  • Wellers Bourbon
  • Sparkling glogg (a spiced non-alcoholic beverage)
  • Cinnamon sticks

Mix a couple of cups of sparkling glogg with a shot of bourbon. Heat if desired. Pour into mugs and top with a cinnamon stick. Cheers!

Oct 23, 201911:11
FERNS: All You Need to Know About Caring for and Choosing Ferns for Fall Planting

FERNS: All You Need to Know About Caring for and Choosing Ferns for Fall Planting

I love love love ferns in all shapes and sizes and Lanie from Thunderwood Farms was the perfect person to share in my excitement for these beauties. Fall is the very best time to plant ferns because it gives the plants a chance to establish their roots before the leaf growth of spring and summer. Most ferns are evergreen and will stay beautiful throughout the fall. Also, ferns are, for the most part, deer resistant! Yes, if they are hungry enough, they might nibble, but most ferns can stay untouched by your forest neighbors. Our motto for ferns is “the more you love them, the less they love you”. Ferns need little attention, especially during the fall and winter. Once planted in the fall, your fern will want some space as it focuses its attention on creating a stable root system. Once spring and summer roll around, then it’s time to give a little fertilizer and love to give it a jump start into the new season.

For my 6 favorite ferns and how to care for them...listen to the full episode!

Oct 20, 201916:55
Carmen Johnston Gardens

Carmen Johnston Gardens

This podcast was created at Nashville Voice Conference for Carmen Johnston Gardens and will feature weekly updates including interviews and how-to gardening tips. 

Jul 31, 201901:17